Monday, May 9, 2011

Susan Sontag

The purpose of this photo was to commemorate a Christmas season. I keep it because its a picture my family might want, but it does not have much significance to me personally beyond being a nice picture of my parents. Since they are my parents and wanted a nice picture, i did my best to frame the shot well and get catch them at their best. It took a few shots and this is the best one. My mother had a rather serious attitude towards the photo taking, however my father made some faces in some other shots. The picture is meant to be viewed by family or visitors, it was printed and framed and is displayed in the home. It might be remembered for a couple years, but not for 10, but its nice to look back upon.
This picture was taken at a cosplay meetup at an anime convention. It was meant to be a cool picture to look and and record the costumes and the event. I keep it because its an awesome picture, and the event was a lot of fun and it reminds me of that. There isn't any emotional relationship between me and the photographer here, so the quality of the picture might have suffered slightly. The photographer also might not have had the best feelings towards the character either. This photo is intended to be viewed mostly on the internet, by people who either know to look for it, or stumble upon it. I don't know if others will, but i know ill remember it for the rest of my life.
The purpose of this photo is to document this person's tattoo. I keep it because i find it cool. I know the picture here and the character and its amusing to see someone dedicated enough to get it tattooed, which is why I keep it. The emotional relationship between  the photographer and the subject is most likely a close one. Most likely a freind, someone who would be into the same sort of thing and would want to take the picture. The subject is proudly posing for the photographer, and the photographer was not afraid to get close enough to the subject. This picture might have originally been meant for just friends to view, but I found it on the internet, so it was obviously placed online somewhere. I don't think I will remember it 10 years from now, its not that significant to me.

Monday, May 2, 2011


The Body as Spirit








Saturday, March 12, 2011


Locations: Born in Houston living in an apartment, don’t remember this area as I was very young. Parents decided to move because of safety. Moved to Porter, Texas near New Caney, where I mostly grew up. Lived there for a about 10 years, then moved to Conroe where I currently live in panorama village.
Relational paths:  Lived with my parents and sister for most of my life. Had your typical brother/sister relationship until we both matured. We’ve both grown closer since then. Always had a good relationship with my parents, very loving, although my mom has always been very protective. Sister moved to Austin for college about 4 years ago.
Education: Began schooling in a private kindergarten, moved to porter elementary for up through 4th grade. Most significant thing I remember from there is my days in the GT class, and the teacher who is still the best teacher I’ve ever had. I decided to move to New Caney elementary after my mom had been working there for a while, which might have not been the best idea as I ran into some bullies there for a short while. I then went on to Keefer crossing middle school for three years, where I met many of the friends that persist today, one of the best times being in counselor aid with my friend Justin. Also had one of my first art classes there. Then moved on to new caney high school, where I met many more of my current friends, and for the first time really started to get to know myself and to fit in. 2 years in, we had been living in Conroe for a while, and my mom stopped working in the school district there, so I moved to Willis high school, were it took a while to find a group of friends, but luckily I knew someone from where I was living at the time. Now im in my second semester of college.

Drive: I’ve always drawn, ever since I could remember, and was always interested in working with materials other than pen and paper. As I got older, I found myself interested in certain cartoons, which I later learned was anime. I also began to get deeper and deeper into videogames. These were probably the two biggest influences in my hobbies and my art, as well as my current chosen career field. This is what has driven me to my current major in animation. I never really knew what I really wanted to do, but ive really found joy in the making of props and really want to learn my way around 3d modeling and animation as well.

Modular final

Overall the things i liked best about this piece is the installation, it fits really well into its place and flows well with the area, and the attachment of it to the wall and the bottles themselves together is really smooth. I really think, looking back, that I could've made it a little wider up top, and added a few more rows coming out the left side or something. The piece blended really well, but almost too well.

Word as image final

Monday, February 28, 2011

Module progress

The progress on my water bottle sculpture, I decided to stick with the ribbed bottles only, not using any of the Fiji or blue or green bottles I had. I saw that the bottles i had been using had their caps on, which helped the piece, but the ones i got more recently from the recycling center don't have caps, which might be distracting, but I cant get the caps off without taking the whole thing apart. I really like the shape of it overall, it has a great curve to it, and it has great synergy with the bottles themselves.

Word as Image progress

The beginning of my word as image pieces, both are scans of the newspaper pieces here. The first one is rather obvious in its meaning, being the one that is supposed to be synchronous with the image. The second one, which doesn't have the bars added here (which is what really makes it what its supposed to be),  is meant to be the one opposite in meaning and image. With the bars going across the page, blocking off parts of the words, creating an image of no freedom.

Cardboard bone final

Final piece for the cardboard project. I really liked the simplicity of the whole thing and the detail pieces, i think they really caught the main feeling of the bone without being overly complicated. i would have liked to add more detail to the "wings" but it would have weighted them down too much, they're already sagging significantly. I had initially planned on covering the bottom part of it with the brown paper, but i don't think that would have worked too well, and it pulls off what its does well enough without it. I missed a couple spots where the cardboard had print that i could have covered or not used, but i didn't really see them initially as they were kind of out of the way. Overall I like the piece, and wish I could have followed through with my initial layering plan, but that would have taken much too long.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Texture photo safari

Here we were to go out and take pictures of various patterns in our environment, and classify them under rhythm/pattern/texture and under formal/informal-structured/erratic.
Stained glass. Very informal pattern, maybe some slight texture. Taken at my fathers workshop.

Piece of wood. Linear pattern, slightly informal, but almost seems formal. Fathers workshop.
Driveway  in my neighborhood. Definitely a texture, also very informal.
Drapes. Depending on where you look there's either a pattern or rhythm. The folds create a rhythm, but the print is a pattern. Both are very formal. Room of my house.
Bag of marshmallows. Pattern, rotation and translation. I see it as mostly formal. Kroger.
Green bedsheets. Translated lines. Very formal pattern here. My room, not on my bed.
Back of my phone. Formal, translated dots. Texture. WASH building.
Wooden blinds. Two way rhythm, vertical and horizontal. Translated. Very formal. My room.

Cardboard progress

Work on our cardboard project goes well. Like many, i began with the idea of layering cardboard to build the shape needed, but scrapped that idea mostly when it began to take much too long, i decided to simplify my design soon after finishing one small part using the layers, which would be later reinforced. I made the large wings out of two layers to strengthen them, although I'm afraid to add much else to them, as the weight might overwhelm the piece. I made the drum out of a few simple cut and shaped pieces and added braces to strengthen them, and i might leave it as is, with the open spot, because it does its job there anyways. I like the way the curly things on top shaped, although the rest of the parts up there aren't too accurate. Overall this piece, this cow vertebrae, or what have you,  is a very complicated item to make out of cardboard.

Looking at it in this picture makes it seem rather menacing for some reason........I like it.

Human dots

Our instructions here were to take our dot compositions, some of which originally came from photos as reference, and turn them into photos, using ourselves and other items to represent dots. Some people digitally edited theirs to add contrast, or even add dots where they were supposed to be, but i decided to leave the pictures natural, leaving it to the picture itself and the viewer to tell where the dots should be, instead of telling them. The pictures also needed to be black and white, and at one point I think we needed to be in the picture ourselves, but that wasn't entirely too clear. Here are my two compositions.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Newspaper structure

With the instructions to build a structure, using only newspaper and glue, that could support a cinder block as high off the ground as possible, the first thought that came into my head was a structure similar to that of a crane's arm, with the cross beams as the main means of support. I quickly ran into trouble when i realized how difficult it would be to create strong 90 degree joint like that, i created my first triangle, which ended up being my base. I knew that a triangle based shape would be the strongest, so i ended up using that as my base, building up from there with a square type frame, creating a sort of triangular prism. I then decided to strengthen said structure by adding diagonal braces on each side.
This structure was completed, and very strong, but with only a third of my time left, and a not very tall structure i decided to start on something i thought would be much quicker to add more height. I ended up making something completely out of triangles, a bit taller than the first, but slightly weaker, but with some manipulating, it did its job and lifted the cinder block higher of the ground than just the two alone.